Sunday 6th October 2024

How to get out of debt faster by taking a digital detox

Tolu Frimpong suggests a digital detox can help reduce stress, distraction, and financial strain, aiding faster debt recovery.

digital detox
woman distressed in front of a laptop

In our hyper-connected world, digital devices have become integral to our daily lives.

We spend hours scrolling through social media, checking emails, and engaging with various online platforms.

While these activities can be enjoyable and informative, they can also contribute to stress, distraction, and financial strain.

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If you want to get out of debt faster, a digital detox might be just what you need. 

What Is a digital detox? 

A digital detox is when you intentionally refrain from using electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and tablets.

During a digital detox, the goal is to reduce stress, improve mental wellbeing, and focus more on real-world interactions and personal goals. Digital detoxes can vary in length, from a short three-day break to a more extended 30-day hiatus or longer. 

The benefits of a digital detox 

Engaging in a digital detox can offer many benefits that extend beyond simply reducing screen time.

These benefits can be particularly impactful when you’re trying to get out of debt. 

More spare time 

One of the most immediate benefits of a digital detox is increased free time. On average, adults in the UK spend over four hours a day on their smartphones, according to a report by Ofcom.

Instead of wasting time doom-scrolling, spend the timer during your digital detox on activities that align with your financial goals. By disconnecting from your devices, you’ll have more time to focus on your personal and financial health. 

Moreover, this extra time can be used to reflect on your financial situation, think about your spending habits, and develop a strategic plan to tackle your debt.

Whether it’s creating a budget, exploring new income streams, or simply organising your finances, the time gained from a digital detox can be invaluable. 

Blocking out the noise 

Social media platforms are filled with influencers, advertisements, and content that can create a sense of urgency to spend more.

The constant bombardment of ads and influencer posts can lead to ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ syndrome, where you feel compelled to buy things you don’t need just to fit in or feel successful. 

By stepping away from your digital devices, you can block out this noise and reduce the pressure to spend.

Without constant comparison to others, you’ll be able to focus on your own financial goals without external influence. This mental clarity can be crucial in helping you stay disciplined and avoid unnecessary expenses that could further delay your debt repayment. 

More from Tolu Frimpong on Mouthy Money

Declutter your environment 

A digital detox can also provide the perfect opportunity to declutter your physical space.

Often, we accumulate items that we no longer need or use, simply because we’re constantly exposed to the latest trends and must-have products online. 

Use this time to go through your home and identify items that are just taking up space. Selling these unused items on platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Depop can generate extra cash that can be used to pay down your debt.

Moreover, a decluttered environment can lead to a clearer mind, helping you to stay focused and motivated on your journey to becoming debt-free. 

Listen to your inner voice 

In our digital world, it’s easy to be influenced by the opinions and advice of others, especially online.

Whether it’s the latest financial ‘guru’ or an influencer sharing their lifestyle, we’re constantly bombarded with information that can make us question our own decisions. 

A digital detox gives you the chance to tune out these external voices and listen to your inner voice instead. By spending time offline, you can reconnect with your own goals, values, and priorities.

This can help you make more informed and authentic decisions about your finances, free from the sway of external influences.

Deciding what you want to do with your money, rather than being told what to do, is a big step towards financial liberation. 

Photo credits: Pexels

Tolu Frimpong

Mouthy Blogger

Tolu is a Money Coach and Content Creator, passionate about helping others break the payday-to-payday cycle and achieve their financial goals, through the power of intentional budgeting, saving and investing. When she’s not talking about money you can find her spending time with her 3 boisterous boys.

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