Tuesday 4th March 2025

How to make your makeup last longer: tips from a former Avon rep

Makeup Tips

I may not have made a fortune from selling Avon products while I was a rep, but I did learn valuable tips of the trade that I keep up my sleeve, and accumulate enough fragrant goodies to pack my bathroom from floor to ceiling. Here’s how to extend the life of your makeup, saving you cash and reducing waste.


Investing in a good set of makeup brushes gives you a more professional finish but will also mean you’ll use less of the product each time. Avoid using the sponge applicators that come with the product, as they become discoloured and worn quickly.

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Good brushes have a long life if washed routinely – every two weeks wash them using warm water, mild soap, and a dash of olive oil). I like this Body Shop mini kit – for £13.50 it’s great quality and a handy size.


A lip brush can reach into almost-finished (or broken) lipsticks, adding extra life to a favourite shade.

Storing your lipstick in the freezer overnight will kill off any lurking bacteria.

Nail polish

Storing your nail varnish bottles in the fridge will help keep the colour true.

If the contents turn thick and gunky, adding a tiny drop of nail varnish remover and  giving it a good shake should restore a smooth consistency.


Moisture is the enemy of makeup, especially anything in powder form. Store your makeup somewhere cool and dry – so the bathroom isn’t an ideal place.

Avoid placing products on a window ledge or in direct sunlight as it affects the performance of sun protection products, and makeup colours will fade.

Cheap storage solutions include a revolving spice rack or a cutlery organiser. Try an ice cube tray to keep small pots of eye shadow upright. Make sure all lids are on tightly.

If the packaging of your product cracks or breaks, transfer the powder into another small container (contact lens holders are ideal). Powder that was pressed may now be loose, so apply with a brush and ‘blot’ with a tissue.


If your mascara dries up, add a little drop of baby oil and mix.

Pumping the wand repeatedly will draw air and moisture into the container, giving bacteria a head start. Bacteria from your eye lashes thrive in your mascara so it’s best to replace it every six months to avoid any nasty eye infection surprises.


You’ll use less foundation if you apply with a sponge than with your fingers, and you’ll get more even coverage, too. Try Superdrug’s makeup sponges – they’re just £2.79 for a pack of eight.

Give rarely-used bottles of foundation a shake every so often, to prevent the ingredients from separating.

When to bin!

For makeup for the face: six months for liquids, two years for powders.

Pencil eyeliners are good for around two years.

It’s definitely time to replace a product if you notice an unpleasant whiff or if colours have separated.

Clare Lawrence

Mouthy Blogger

Clare Lawrence, nicknamed 'Coupon Clare' at college, lives mostly in Cornwall. Proud mum to Gregory, she'll stop at nothing in her quest to save cash!

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