Monday 3rd March 2025

Where to find the best money-saving resources in 2025

Shoestring Jane is here to help you find the best money-saving resources available online!

There is a wealth of money-saving resources online for you to tap into.

With experts warning that prices could increase by as much as 20% this year, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious about your finances.

However, the best way to feel in control is to start making positive changes to how you earn, spend and save.

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If you are looking for some financial education and frugal inspiration, here is a collection of money-saving resources to help you get rid of debt, stop wasting money and build wealth for the future.

There are many money-saving resources, and I am aware these choices are subjective. However, these are the podcasters, YouTubers, bloggers and writers that I have found inspiring, and I hope you will too.


Mouthy Money Podcast 

Mouthy Money editor Edmund Greaves is joined by personal finance experts to discuss topics such as pensions, mortgages, investments and current events affecting your money.

The podcast asks questions such as what happens to your money when you divorce, are people losing confidence in pensions and what if you won the lottery.

Cash Chats Personal Finance Podcast 

Hosted by award-winning broadcaster Andy Webb and deputy editor Amelia Murray, this podcast aims to help you save, make and manage your money. Recent episodes include the best banks and savings accounts for 2025, along with Andy’s top money habits to make you better with your cash.

Secrets to Saving Money 

With his Secrets to Saving Money podcast, Jordon Cox, aka ‘The Coupon Kid’, shows you how to cut back on spending, find the best deals, and track down amazing discount codes and freebies.


Shoestring Jane

I’m going to be cheeky and mention my channel, Shoestring Jane, where I show you all the frugal tricks I use day-to-day and how I live well on a small income. Topics include frugal food, buying secondhand, shoestring DIY, holidays on a budget and more.

Frugal Queen in France

Jane, aka Frugal Queen in France, and her husband Mike had to change their money mindsets to pay off thousands of pounds worth of debt, before relocating to Brittany in France where they continue to live debt-free on a pension. Jane does loads of cooking on a budget and is great at giving frugal pep talks when you need a kick to save money.

Raising Wildflowers

Katie from Raising Wildflowers is an American mum who paid off her Florida home when she was single and living on a minimum wage, before moving to a country smallholding to live in an RUV on a tiny budget with her new husband and baby. She does loads of videos on managing your money whilst living intentionally and is about to embark on some international travel with hardly any cash.

Ali Lives Well On Less

Retired Scottish ex-teacher Ali lives on a small pension of around £9,000 a year without debt or deprivation. She is fantastic at sourcing foodie bargains and shows how she batch cooks and preserves her finds to keep her grocery bill super low.

More from Shoestring Jane


The Complete Tightwad Gazette: Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle

This classic book by Amy Dacyczyn is quite old now(1998), but the frugal message is still strong and relevant today. It was based on her regular paper newsletter, sent to her thousands of penny-pinching subscribers throughout the 1990s. When I discovered it in the early 2000s, it completely changed my mindset and was instrumental in my journey to becoming debt-free. Amy shows you how to save money in pretty much every area of your life. 

This book is witty, nicely illustrated (Amy was a trained graphic designer) and jam-packed with money-saving tips.

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

This is another classic of the late ’90s that was updated in 2018 to make it relevant for today’s readers. Written by Vicki Robbins and the late Joe Dominguez, this book was and continues to be hugely influential.

It is a nine-point programme to help you recognise how much money is enough, free you from the idea that buying stuff will make you happy and value your time – ie the hours you need to work to buy something.

The Moneyless Man: A Year of Freeconomic Living

Mark Boyle’s first book, the Moneyless Man shows how little we need to be healthy and happy, the damage that our relentless consumption is doing to our planet and offers an alternative to the narrative we are constantly given that the pursuit of money is everything.

Boyle found ways to live completely free of money, initially for a year, then for a further two years, by bartering, harnessing the power of friendship and community and honing his skills of self-reliance and creativity. 

I would struggle to live as he did, but I found the lessons he learned relevant to anyone wanting a more frugal lifestyle.


Mr Money Mustache

Mr Money Mustache is a legend of the US FIRE community (Financial Independence Retire Early), with good reason. He inspires his readers to achieve what might seem impossible to most people.

He retired aged 30, by avoiding debt, living on 25% of his take-home pay, investing the rest, and being super frugal. He presents this lifestyle as liberation rather than deprivation. To get an idea of the flavour of his blog, take a look at the post A Millionaire is Made Ten Bucks at a Time.

Debt Camel

If you are struggling with debt, Sara at Debt Camel is full of sensible and achievable advice to help you out of the mire. She was a debt advisor for CAB for ten years and understands how frightening debt can feel.

Debt Camel aims to talk about the issues around debt, credit ratings, etc, discuss debt and money decisions in a straightforward and accessible way and signpost readers towards good information, debt advice and practical help.

There are many great money-saving resources to help you get organised with your finances. If you are struggling with money, or just want to make better decisions, I hope these suggestions will help.

Photo credits: Pexels

Shoestring Jane

Mouthy Blogger

Shoestring Jane is a full-time self-employed mum of three daughters. Her frugal partner in crime is handyman extraordinaire, Mr Shoestring. They are constantly on the look out for ways to save and make extra money. Read more on her blog, Shoestring Cottage.

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