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How many women have a degree on here you can not get an apprentice if you have, or have been sponsored previously. It rules me out?? Now what
Mmmm sadly funny but true. From me a 1958 WASPI lady.
How very true and to the point that have to work till 66 but those in power have their pension ring fenced so they haven’t lost six years of theirs
Spot on!
Would you, by any chance, consider a career in politics?
You hit the nail on the head..1954
At least this made me laugh, unlike the MP who came out with that little gem. From a 62 year old still working xxx
Sadly very true!
Thanks Steve, needed a laugh in these desperate times!!
Love it!
Steve – very succinctly put!! I’m 63 and going on an Employability Course next week, by courtesy of the taxpayer, taking tests in English & Maths!!! Ye gods, how did it come to this? As a Engineering / Electronics designer, perhaps they’ll put me back into an apprenticeship whereby I can sweep floors?
And don’t forget the apprentice wage to go along with it ?
I’m having this conversation with my daughter right now (l’m 62). I’m thinking maybe brick laying could be for me!!!!!
Black comedy at it’s best. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry though do you?
Thanks for highlighting the pathetic pension in this Country. I am livid that I have to wait 6 years for my State Pension. This Gov wants us all to drop dead before they have to pay out, the crafty gits.
Brilliant is the only word to describe this!
I am 61 years of age and disgusted that, after a lifetime of expecting to retire at 60, the Government whips this away too late for me to make up six year’s of pension to compensate. At the moment, I’ll get my State Pension at 66, but who can tell if this will change further before I get there!
Wow spot on ????????????
Wow , spot on ?????????? Love it
Apprenticeships at the age of 60 + Really? . We have more life knowledge than most of those who have come up with this bright idea. Why not turn it around and use our skill with a proper wage to teach youngsters. I have already earned 38 full NI years .But been in the work place since the age of 14,even while raising 4 children I continued to work .So why do i still have to wait until February 2025, but one other thing, I can’t get my pension until September 2025 .that means I still have to work another 7 months past my pension date? Confused. Com
Love it, sums it up completely lol
Love it too! Thanks for your support
Still waiting to be put on my NVQ in Care at 60? Requirement of the new job, expect to be waiting for quite some time……
Just finished four 12 hour shifts in a row in a care home that has two floors, stairs are a killer. Previously had well paid jobs ( have degree). This is the only work I could get and many women are in the same boat. I have kept myself in good shape so at 60 I can just about manage this, but hips and knees are starting to go after doing this job, spine twinging for a while so I will end up costing the NHS big time but I don’t expect the knuckle heads in government had thought of that. circa £5500 per operation, then there is the after care costs. It would be cheaper to give us our pensions.
Thanks for this cartoon, all the best campaigns need a cartoon slant to go down in history. The whole thing is absurd, we need justice.
1956 born women. How could this really happen to us. It makes me so disheartened. Thank god waspi are fighting this